Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gogie Girl Has Two Ears and One Mouth...in that order!!!

As a child, my Mom used to lovingly refer to me as a motormouth! (I never took it personal). Someone needed to talk for the silence of everyone reading a book/newspaper in our family while growing up or no one talking during car rides was "too" quiet for me. It was someones job in the family to cure the silence and I always took it upon myself to take care of it being "too" quiet!

How I love peace and quiet moments now, not all the time though. I have a busy household with my husband and four teenage children, and I wouldn't trade the organized chaos for anything! I love a busy household and the sounds that come from it!

Recently, our dear friend Johnnie (also one my husband's former caddies) was staying with us while the PGA tour was visiting the west coast. He offered our youngest son who is 13 years old some "loving" words of advice, "You were given two ears and one mouth, use them in that order." Justin is one who often has more than his share to say and an answer for everything, sounds like a 13 year, doesn't it? He is our youngest of four, so we have been on this road a few times. What I love is when our oldest son Tyler stops Justin in his tracks when he is running at the mouth (or the note comes home from school saying the same)...deja vu Tyler!!! Oh how six years difference between our oldest and our youngest is so much fun to observe and be a part of!

Til next time...this Gogie Girl is on the Go!